Introducing Sheri Hall, our new Guest Blogger!

We are thrilled to announce that Sheri Hall is joining us this summer as a guest blogger at Evidence-Based Living! She’s a real expert when it comes to taking complex research and making it understandable. She also helped us to set up this blog.

A little about Sheri: She’s a freelance-writer based in Ithaca, New York.  She studied journalism at Northwestern University and held a staff position at the Detroit News for seven years, where she wrote about everything from chainsaw-carving to the finanical health of Detroit’s hospital systems.  Sheri has also worked at  Pfizer Inc., where her job included helping scientists explain how drugs function in the human body, and most recently at Cornell’s College of Human Ecology, where she covered topics ranging from the student fashion show to academic studies about how chaos affects children’ s lives.

Her posts will be starting shortly, and as ever – give us your comments!


  1. Sheri says:

    Thanks, Heather! I look forward to some good dialouges on this site.

  2. Heather says:

    Hi Sheri! Looking forward to reading your posts (so far the cheese one is a winner!). Also, I’m really interested in your work with the researchers at Pfizer and the challenges and successes you had in translating research for a variety of audiences.

    Happy blogging!

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