Beware of pet turtles

They’re small, they’re cute and they seem harmless. But many pet turtles are illegal, and they can be a dangerous addition to your home. In fact, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control believes that pet turtles are the source of a salmonella outbreak among kids.

Since 1975, it’s been illegal to own a small turtle – with a shell less than 4 inches long – as a pet. (They are allow

ed for scientific and educational purposes only.)  That’s because they’re a recognized source of human Salmonella infections – a food poisoning that can be especially dangerous for small children.

Over the past year, there were 132 cases of Salmonella infections reported in 18 states, and the patients’ median age was 6 years old. Fifty-six of these patients who were interviewed by public health officials. Of them, 36 reported turtle exposure. In addition, five samples of turtle tank water from patient homes tested positive for the outbreak strain.

The take-home message: Small turtles are not suitable pets, and there is evidence that suggests they cause serious food poisoning among their owners, and especially children.


  1. Francisco says:

    All other reptiles, including turtles, have the potential to host salmonella. The key is to keep everything as clean as possible and keep really small children (or old people) from handling the turtles.
    Wash your hands very well after handling turtles at all times and keep their habitat clean. What was causing most of the issues was small children putting these baby turtles in their mouths and that easily transfers salmonella when present. To be quite honest, it was more a scare than what is actually necessary but.. it worked. You have to know that all reptiles contract salmonella or the chance of it.

  2. Tracy says:

    I dont think there is any worried thing about the pet turtle as i know its a very gental pet.

  3. Denise Nantz says:

    When I was a child in Louisville KY, during the seventies, back before there was law against owning tiny turtles, I owned one. I remember having one and my sister MJ also had one. We enjoyed our turtles and though we probably didn’t own one for more than a month or two at best, I found the experience to be one most rewarding in my childhood. When I think about it, I’m so glad mom allowed us this experience. We purchased our tiny treasures at a five and dime store in our neighborhood. We were also in time able to purchase the plastic island paradise for our turtles habitat. I believe looking back, Mary Jane and I owned ‘red ear turtles’. They were the greatest.we would race them when we took them to the yard, and had to be diligent to carefully watch our tiny friends so we would not lose them should we be distracted for but a moment. Well, I thought about getting a turtle or two for my grand children. What do yu

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