Women Carry Most of the Mental Load of Running a Household

It’s well-documented that in the majority of U.S. families, women do more of the household chores compared to men, even when both spouses work full-time jobs. When you factor in that women working outside the home tend to work fewer hours compared to men working outside the home, women still take on a disproportionate share of household chores. This is amplified when kids come into the picture, and frequently leads to psychological distress for women. [Read more…]

The Pros and Cons of Social Media for Youth

More than 90 percent of teenagers in the U.S. have a smartphone. Access to this type of technology and social networking changes the playing field for young people who are simultaneously developing a sense of identity and new social relationships. [Read more…]

The Psychology of Compliments: A Nice Word Goes a Long Way

Imagine that you’re sitting in a coffee shop enjoying your drink and reading the paper when someone taps you on the shoulder. “Your jacket is beautiful,” the stranger says. “The color really complements your eyes.” [Read more…]

What We Know About Opioids and Child Mistreatment

Opioid use has surged during the COVID-19 pandemic. Data show the use of fentanyl and methamphetamine climbed steeply in 2020 and drug overdose deaths jumped by 18% last year.

The opioid epidemic has serious consequences for millions of Americans. Opioid misuse increases the risk of illness from COVID-19 and leads to long-term consequences for mental and physical health. People who misuse illegal substances are more likely to experience job loss, interpersonal violence, and become involved in criminal activity. [Read more…]

Drinking Coffee Is Actually Good for You

Sixty-four percent of Americans drink coffee, adding up to 400 million cups daily. That’s a lot of coffee!

Researchers have long debated the health effects of one of America’s favorite drinks. In 1991, coffee was listed as a possible carcinogen by the World Health Organization. Research has demonstrated that coffee increases blood pressure and heart rate, but less is known about its impact on cardiovascular health. Coffee is not recommended for pregnant women because it’s unknown how it affects unborn babies. [Read more…]

What We Know About Trans Youth and Bullying

Transgender youth, kids whose gender identity does not match their assigned sex, experience bullying and violence in schools at much higher rates compared to cisgender youth, whose gender identity does match their assigned sex.

In fact, evidence shows that trans youth are more likely to experience what researchers call poly-victimization — multiple forms of abuse or discrimination simultaneously — compared to cis youth. This type of abuse is associated with serious mental and emotional problems including lower self-esteem, anxiety, depression, suicide, poor school performance and more. [Read more…]

Why Eating Disorders Surged Through COVID-19

Over the past decade, the prevalence of eating disorders – especially among adolescents and young adults – has been a growing problem. A review of studies found that eating disorders among young people across the globe more than doubled from 2000 to 2018. Since then, COVID-19 has created new challenges for people with eating disorders and those who treat them.

Although there isn’t a broad study yet that quantifies the impact of the pandemic, there are plenty of clues that COVID-19 has increased the prevalence of eating disorders. The National Eating Disorders Association helpline reports a 40 percent increase in calls since March 2020. [Read more…]

How the Pandemic Has Affected Our Mental and Physical Health

We’re more than one year into the global pandemic that has kept many Americans sequestered in their homes and taking precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 when they go out. Not surprisingly, these changes in how and when we interact with others has led to changes in our mental and physical health. Among those changes, emerging data show that many Americans have gained weight, are drinking more alcohol and are not sleeping well. [Read more…]

The Behavioral Affects of Marijuana Use

Weed, pot, grass: Whatever you want to call it, marijuana is steadily becoming legal in more U.S. states. The recreational use of cannabis is legal in 14 states and has been decriminalized – meaning it carries a very small penalty – in 16 others. In addition, 36 states allow the use of marijuana for medical reasons with a doctor’s prescription. [Read more…]

Why Are the Incarcerated More Likely to Commit Suicide?

There are approximately 655 people incarcerated for every 100,000 Americans – the highest rate by far out of all developed countries. In total, that adds up to more than 2 million Americans currently in U.S. prisons and jails. About one quarter of these imprisoned people have not be convicted or sentenced; they are incarcerated because they cannot afford to pay bail. [Read more…]

A Pet Could Boost Your Mental Health

If you don’t have a pet, you may think about what caring for an animal entails: feeding, training, cleaning up after and paying veterinary bills. But most pet owners understand that pets provide them with benefits as well.
[Read more…]

How Gut Bacteria Are Linked to Mental Health

Scientists have been studying how the human body functions for millennia, yet there are still countless workings that we still do not fully understand. Just in the past decade, health researchers have discovered an interesting connection — one that affects tens of millions of Americans. It turns out the bacteria that naturally occur in everyone’s digestive tract play an important role in our mental health. [Read more…]

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