July 2022 was one of the hottest months on record, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. It was the sixth-hottest July since the U.S. began recording temperatures, 143 years ago. In addition, overnight temperatures in the month hit their highest levels in recorded history. [Read more…]
What Rising Temperatures Mean for Our Mental Health
What Climate Change Means For Our Mental Health
July 2022 was one of the hottest months on record, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. It was the sixth-hottest July since the U.S. began recording temperatures 143 years ago. In addition, overnight temperatures in the month hit their highest levels in recorded history. [Read more…]
Evidence-based Mosquito Control
In much of the United States, it’s mosquito season. It can be disappointing to sit down to dinner on your deck only to find yourself covered in itchy, red welts the next day. But you don’t have to let mosquitos chase you back inside. [Read more…]
Scientific Consensus: Humans Are Causing Climate Change
When former Vice President Al Gore launched the movie An Inconvenient Truth in 2006 to explain the science behind climate change to the American public, surveys showed that many Americans didn’t believe in climate change, even though scientific data was building that humans actions were causing global warming. [Read more…]
Natural Solutions Can Ease the Effects of Climate Change
The last decade was the hottest ever recorded since scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration began keeping records 140 years ago. On average, annual temperatures hovered 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit higher compared to the years from 1950 to 1980.
Although that increase might not sound like much, small shifts in the overall amount of heat stored in the oceans, air, and water can have significant effects on the planet, including rising sea levels, increased severe storm activity and droughts. [Read more…]
Climate Change Models Got It Right
A Siberian town registered the highest temperature ever recorded in the Arctic Circle this week – 100 degrees Fahrenheit. While warm summers are typical in the Arctic, recent months have been abnormally high. And data demonstrate that the Arctic Circle is warming at about twice the rate as the rest of the globe – a fact predicted by decades-old climate models. [Read more…]
Reversing Climate Change Starts with You
As our global temperature continues to rise, government officials from across the globe continue to develop plans that will lower carbon emissions and ultimately stall the rising temperatures. (2018 was the 42nd consecutive year that the global temperature was above average, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.) [Read more…]
The Health Risks of Climate Change
Climate change is a well-documented phenomenon. 2018 was the 42nd consecutive year that the global temperature was above average, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. [Read more…]
Are Nutrition Labels an Effective Weapon Against Obesity?
Millions of Americans make goals to lose weight every year. Diet books, weight-loss apps, and meal supplements abound. But research shows changing our environments may have a more significant influence on our food choices, and ultimately our health. [Read more…]
The evidence on house-hunting
As I drive my children to their after-school activities, I’ve noticed more and more for sale signs along the roads around our house – a sure sign of spring! As we approach house-hunting and moving season, it’s a good idea to look at the evidence on house-hunting. [Read more…]
Revisiting the evidence on climate change
It’s 73 degrees in Ithaca, New York today, according to the thermometer on my minivan. My 7-year-old begged to wear shorts to school today, and soon thereafter reminded me, “It’s still winter mom!” Given such an early spring-feeling day in this northern latitude, I thought it’d be a good time to revisit the evidence on global warming. [Read more…]
Is your workplace making you sick?
For a few decades now, major employers across the United States have focused on providing wellness programs that encourage employees to adopt healthy lifestyle habits, such as nutritional eating, exercise and smoking cessation. This is based on the premise that a healthy workforce will be more productive, and ultimately will help reduce health insurance costs. [Read more…]