The measles is back. This viral illness – one of the most contagious known – can cause serious complications and death among young children. Although eradicated in the U.S. in the year 2000, it has been staging a steady comeback. [Read more…]
What We Know About The Measles Comback
The Evidence on Medical Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
As scary as it is to think about, we know that all people make mistakes, including the health care professionals who work in hospitals and doctors’ offices. Furthermore, our health care system is complicated, leading to glitches that can harm patients. As a result, patients sometimes experience injuries, complications and even death as a result of the care they receive. [Read more…]
Should You Wear Sunscreen?
If you follow health and wellness news, you have probably seen the building hype this year about sunscreen. Popular news outlets have been questioning if the ingredients in sunscreen pose health threats. One even questions whether sunscreen is the new margarine? (Many margarines – developed to encourage people to avoid the saturated fats in butter – contain transfats, which turn out to be more unhealthy than butter.) [Read more…]
What We Know About E-Cigarettes and Health
Since their debut in 2004, electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes have steadily grown in popularity. Approximately 9 million U.S. adults regularly use e-cigarettes, and that includes a growing number of teen-agers. In 2015, one in six high school students reported using an e-cigarette in the past month. [Read more…]
Do you really need to floss?
If you’ve paid attention to the news over the past month, you’ve likely read an article or two about the benefits — or lack thereof — of flossing. These articles have appeared in major news outlets across the country including the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times and many more. [Read more…]
The evidence on flossing
I visited the dentist last week, where she found a small cavity in between my upper back molars. She put in a filling and recommended more flossing. “Make sure you get all of the way up to the gum line when you floss,” she told me. [Read more…]