New evidence: Vitamin D helps prevent falls

Vitamin D is one of those supplements that makes it into the news media frequently. Here on EBL, we’ve written before about the U.S. Institute of Medicine’s recommendations on Vitamin D intake.

Now there is a new recommendation that taking Vitamin D supplements can help prevent falls in people over 65 years old with a higher risk of falling.

In a review of nine separate studies, the United States Preventative Services Task Force came to the conclusion a daily dose of 800 international units reduced the risk of falling by about 17 percent, compared with those who did not take the vitamin.

“The exact mechanism is not known, but it seems to help muscle strength and balance,” Dr. Al Siu, vice chairman of the task force and chairman of the geriatrics and palliative medicine department at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, told the New York Times.

The panel also made two other recommendations.  Doctors should do a comprehensive assessment of patients’ risk of falling – including asking about falling history and observing patients stand up and walk – to identify those at higher risk. And patients’ should exercise to improve strength and balance.

Falls are the leading cause of injury in adults 65 and older. While there’s no sure-fire way to prevent them, we have evidence that some interventions do work. That’s important information for all of us to know.


  1. daniel says:

    Always delited Cornell University for this helpful tips

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