It’s hard to believe that it has been four years since we started this blog! Over that time, we’ve seen our number of readers grow astronomically. We now have more than 8,000 visitors per month. It’s wonderful to see so much interest in how research can help us understand and enhance our everyday lives.
As our audience grows, we are looking for ways to bring in more expert opinions and include evidence on an even broader range of topics. So we’re pleased to announce that he Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research – an exciting new center at Cornell – will be sponsoring the blog.
Known as the BCTR, the center was created to advance research that helps solve human problems across the lifespan, from young children to older people. A host of projects look at ways to promote optimal human development throughout life. With a staff of over 60, the expertise available in the BCTR covers the areas you have come to expect from Evidence-Based Living: health, psychological well-being, child-rearing, nutrition, and many others.
Dr. Jane Powers will be taking on the role of editor of Evidence-Based Living. Jane is Senior Extension Associate at the BCTR. Her research and outreach efforts focus on the health and well being of youth through her work on the Assets Coming Together (ACT) for Youth initiative. She directs an academic Center of Excellence based at Cornell and funded by the New York State Department of Health that connects youth development research to practice, provides training and technical support, evaluation assistance, and resources to communities and youth programs across New York State.
You will also notice that the design and format of the blog have changed a bit. What hasn’t changed are the features you enjoy – regular posts written in a non-technical way about research findings people can put to use in their lives, with a focus on the best scientific studies and systematic reviews. As always, we will continue to keep you posted on ways to interpret conflicting research findings you see in the media, and help you judge the good research from the “junk sciences.”
And we are thrilled that our seasoned and insightful blogger Sheri Hall will be continuing in her role of tracking down fascinating and useful new research and writing it up in her inimitable style!
We look forward to any comments you may have. And please take the opportunity to explore the BCTR website and get to know us better!
Karl Pillemer
Associate Dean for Extension and Outreach, College of Human Ecology
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