Does Hydration Impact Aging?

The human body is roughly 60 percent water. This vital nutrient is a building block of every cell in the body. It helps to regulate our body temperature, transport nutrients and energy through the bloodstream, flush out waste products, act as a shock absorber for our brain and spinal cord, and lubricate our joints. [Read more…]

How Racism Affects the Relationships of African-American Couples

Research clearly establishes that racism takes a toll on the mental and physical health of African-Americans. This occurs because racist interactions elicit an automatic physical stress reaction that includes increased heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure, along with a release of stress hormones. This stress response, often referred to as the flight-or-flight response, leads to inflammatory reactions in the body. [Read more…]

Does Light Therapy Work for Seasonal Depression?

While this time of year is full of social engagements and holiday cheer for many, it is also the darkest and coldest time of the year, especially for those living in northern latitudes. While most people undergo physical changes in the winter, such as lower energy levels, sleepiness, and increased appetite, approximately 1 in 10 individuals experience something more serious–seasonal affective disorder, or SAD. [Read more…]

Connecting With Older Adults Is Good For You and Them

In modern society, most of us live in silos surrounded by people similar to us; this applies across many factors including race and ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and age. In fact, young people and even middle-aged adults today have less contact with older adults than ever before in human history. [Read more…]

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