To Excel in Sports, Try Them All

Tennis champions Venus and Serena Williams started playing tennis at age 4 and began playing professionally as teenagers. Similarly, golf phenomenon Tiger Woods first held a club at age 2 and won his first junior world championship at age 13. [Read more…]

Clear Evidence: Giving Is Good for You

This week, Thanksgiving kicks off the holiday season in the U.S.—a time typically filled with family gatherings, delicious meals and, for many Americans, philanthropy.

You may be more likely to drop money into an iconic red Salvation Army bucket or donate meals to your local food bank to spread the holiday cheer. Or maybe you plan to make a larger cash donation for tax purposes before the end of the calendar year. [Read more…]

How Has COVID-19 Impacted Our Sleep?

You probably know from personal experience that the COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on sleep for many people. If your own sleep hasn’t been affected, chances are you know someone who has experienced sleep problems in the past year and a half. [Read more…]

Women Carry Most of the Mental Load of Running a Household

It’s well-documented that in the majority of U.S. families, women do more of the household chores compared to men, even when both spouses work full-time jobs. When you factor in that women working outside the home tend to work fewer hours compared to men working outside the home, women still take on a disproportionate share of household chores. This is amplified when kids come into the picture, and frequently leads to psychological distress for women. [Read more…]

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