The Real Evidence on Race and Policing

You can’t watch or read the news without encountering a story about police violence toward people of color, complete with graphic video footage. Often these violent encounters spark large protests and sometimes riots in the cities where the violence occurs. This week, especially, the topic of race and law enforcement is at the forefront of our national consciousness because jurors voted to convict Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin guilty of killing George Floyd. [Read more…]

How the Pandemic Has Affected Our Mental and Physical Health

We’re more than one year into the global pandemic that has kept many Americans sequestered in their homes and taking precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 when they go out. Not surprisingly, these changes in how and when we interact with others has led to changes in our mental and physical health. Among those changes, emerging data show that many Americans have gained weight, are drinking more alcohol and are not sleeping well. [Read more…]

The Behavioral Affects of Marijuana Use

Weed, pot, grass: Whatever you want to call it, marijuana is steadily becoming legal in more U.S. states. The recreational use of cannabis is legal in 14 states and has been decriminalized – meaning it carries a very small penalty – in 16 others. In addition, 36 states allow the use of marijuana for medical reasons with a doctor’s prescription. [Read more…]

This Parenting Style Is Proven to Build Independence

As a parent, it can be useful to understand which parenting style comes naturally to you, as well as the pros and cons of each style. But there is one parenting style you may not have heard of, one that researchers have found supports psychological health, academic achievement, and positive attitudes toward school. [Read more…]

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