How to Get Kids to Change Their Behavior for the Better

When trying to convince someone to take action, our words matter – even more so when talking to a young person.

If you have ever parented a child or worked with youth, you have likely witnessed that lectures rarely lead to whole-hearted behavior change, even when the lecturer has the best intentions. So, what’s the best way to encourage behavior change in young people, especially when there is a serious health problem at hand? [Read more…]

What Research Tells Us About Voter Fraud

Allegations of voter fraud date back over a century in the United States. You may have heard stories about a local community sending an absentee ballot to someone who is deceased, or a person trying to vote twice. As the 2020 election approaches, President Donald Trump – like many elected officials before him – is again calling into question the validity of voting in the U.S. [Read more…]

Natural Solutions Can Ease the Effects of Climate Change

The last decade was the hottest ever recorded since scientists from the  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration began keeping records 140 years ago. On average, annual temperatures hovered 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit higher compared to the years from 1950 to 1980.

Although that increase might not sound like much, small shifts in the overall amount of heat stored in the oceans, air, and water can have significant effects on the planet, including rising sea levels, increased severe storm activity and droughts. [Read more…]

Do Online Searches For Health Information Lead to Anxiety?

We’ve all done it before. Presented with a new ache, pain or rash, we turn to the internet to find out what’s wrong. Typically, the search results include a myriad of health problems ranging in severity from “it will go away on its own” to “you only have months to live.” [Read more…]

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