What Motivates Us and Why

Nathan Siemers/ShareAlike 2.0 Generic

Much of society today is focused on striving – for better grades, a raise or promotion, fitness achievements and more. Teachers, business managers and even community leaders are looking for ways to motivate people. [Read more…]

What We Know About Aging and Pain

License: CC0 Public Domain

Do you think that growing older involves experiencing more pain?  You’re right.

Research shows that older adults experience more frequent pain compared to their younger counterparts, and they are less likely to receive treatment for that pain. A study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control shows that approximately 50 million older adults experience significant or chronic pain every year – a result of stiff, aging joints, diseases such as cancer, injuries and surgeries. And a significant number – up to 40 percent – don’t receive adequate treatment for their pain. [Read more…]

Mindfulness in the Classroom: Does It Work?

Source: Todd Fahrner/ShareAlike 2.0 Generic

In most schools across the country, you are likely to find students practicing mindfulness – whether that means taking some collective deep breaths, practicing yoga together or participating in a gratitude exercise. [Read more…]

Sex Education: Teens Teaching Teens

Attribution: Youth Parliament License: 2.0 Generic

There is clear evidence that risky sexual behavior harms young people. More than two million people ages 15 to 24 across the globe contract HIV each year, including more than 17,000 American young people.  Four million U.S. teens experience a sexually-transmitted infection each year. And between 750,000 and 900,000 teenage women in the U.S. become pregnant each year. [Read more…]

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