This Is What Happens When Kids Get Enough Exercise

no-attribution-cc0-public-domain-jump-1154509_1920-1The evidence is crystal clear: Physical activity is great for kids. Researchers around the world agree that youth who are active have better brain function, higher self-esteem, more motivation and better school performance.   [Read more…]

The link between sleep deprivation and weight gain

sleepWe’ve all experienced the feeling of starting a day without enough sleep. Maybe circumstances out of your control kept you awake, such as a bout of insomnia or needing to care for a sick child. Or maybe you stayed up too late binge-watching a new Netflix series or reading an engaging book. [Read more…]

Proven ways to change someone’s mind

pair-707506_640With the 2016 presidential election only one week behind us, social media is still filled with difference viewpoint about President-elect Donald Trump. There are videos, news articles and essays that add new details to the glut of information. But does any of it make a difference? [Read more…]

Are acts of kindness good for you?

no-attribution-cc0-public-domain-hugs-1613208_1920The idea of kindness benefiting do-gooders is a pop psychology phenomenon. [Read more…]

Do “Brain Games” Sharpen Your Mind?

no-attribution-cc0-public-domain-brain-951874_1920More than 6 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, and that number is expected to grow significantly as the U.S. population ages. As a result, researchers across the globe are trying to find ways to strengthen aging brains and prevent dementia later in life. Over the past decade, scientists have zeroed in on “brain training” – puzzles and games designed to improve cognitive skills – as one possible solution. [Read more…]

What Do Early-Learners Need Most? Play!

no-attribution-cc0-public-domain-jump-1154509_1920Kids across the nation are back to school — and that means also back to completing math worksheets, memorizing spelling words and writing book reports.  In fact, there is solid evidence that schools are requiring more formal academic work at younger ages. [Read more…]

What we know about aging Americans and their caregivers

no-attribution-cc0-public-domain-elderly-1461424_1920It is no secret that the U.S. population is steadily growing older. More than 77 million American children were born between 1946 and 1964, and that generation is now beginning to reach its senior years.

As the U.S. population grows older, it’s important to monitor elders’ health and well-being. There’s a federal agency — The Federal Interagency Forum on Aging Related Statistics — set up to do just that. [Read more…]

Clear evidence: Spanking harms kids

CC0 public domain-no-attribution-hand-1006422_1920As a first-time parent, I was completely surprised one day when I was nearly overcome by the urge to spank my two-year-old. After a challenging hour or two at a crowded shopping mall, he purposely pulled a pile of t-shirts off a shelf at a clothing store in a tantrum.  Really, I should have known better than to take a tired toddler shopping for clothes. But that was cold comfort as I stood in the middle of a crowded store watching my son throw merchandise on the floor. [Read more…]

Do you really need to floss?


If you’ve paid attention to the news over the past month, you’ve likely read an article or two about the benefits — or lack thereof — of flossing.  These articles have appeared in major news outlets across the country including the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times and many more. [Read more…]

How to improve sex education

no-attribution-CC0 public domain -classroom-1346491_1920 (1)On the whole, public schools in the U.S. are doing a poor job of teaching sex education to American youth.

A report released last year by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control found that fewer than half of high schools and only a fifth of middle schools teach all 16 topics the CDC lists as essential components of sex education. Those topics include how to obtain and use condoms, the benefits of condom use, and the kinds of preventative care necessary to maintain sexual health. [Read more…]

Does social media harm kids?

Kids these days.attribution-PictureYouth-CC by 2.0-25621863596_50c9c5f108_h

It’s a phrase that has been uttered for decades by older generations as youth forge their way through the modern world. Today, the phrase often refers to youth’s use of social networking sites. There’s plenty of times I’ve heard older adults argue that relationships forged through platforms like Instagram and Google chat don’t qualify as “real” social connections. [Read more…]

Are the benefits of grit exaggerated?

relay-race-655353_960_720Over the past decade, researchers have focused on the idea that determination and consistency can lead to success – even more so than traditional factors such as talent or I.Q. [Read more…]

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