New evidence on bullying

teenagersThe problem of bullying has received increased public attention in the U.S. and across the world over the past decade.  In response to being bullied by their peers,  adolescents have often  taken drastic measures – including committing suicide. [Read more…]

Are medical talk shows credible?

An Insight, An Idea with Mehmet Oz: Mehmet C. OzWhen you turn on the TV, pick up a newspaper or flip through a magazine, you’re likely to come across some advice on how to improve your health. Americans are hungry for “magic bullet” fixes to their health problems – whether it’s obesity, toenail fungus, or back pain. Our desire for medical advice has led to the rise of medical talk shows, where medical doctors offer health advice. But do these shows offer sound advice? [Read more…]

Parental age and autism: What we know

autismIf you’re a regular reader, you likely saw our post earlier this month regarding the prevalence of mental health problems among youth in America.

Last week, another new study raised additional questions about the factors that lead to autism among youth.  The study, published in the journal Molecular Psychology, is the largest of its kind examining the relationship between parental age and autism. It includes more than 5.7 million children in five countries born between 1985 and 2004. [Read more…]

The upside to educational television

tvOur modern world is filled with screens: televisions, tablets, computers and mobile devices. As a result, children spend more time than ever before with these devices. We’ve written before about the downside of screen-time for small children and for the importance of moderation when it comes to technology. [Read more…]

Therapy for insomnia?

insomniaChances are you know someone who has difficulty sleeping, or you experience insomnia yourself. About 30 percent of adults in the U.S. experience symptoms of insomnia and 10 percent experience sleeplessness that impacts their daily activities. [Read more…]

Deciphering the evidence on mental health in youth

kid-and-stressWe often hear in media reports about the rise of autism and attention disorders in our society. A few years back, New York magazine ran a feature article titled, “Is Everyone on the Autism Spectrum?”  that described the “cultural epidemic” of identifying with an autism-spectrum disorder such Asberger’s, obsessive-compulsive disorder or attention deficit disorder. But are these maladies really growing at alarming rates? And are our youth at risk? [Read more…]

The evidence on flossing

dental flossI visited the dentist last week, where she found a small cavity in between my upper back molars.  She put in a filling and recommended more flossing.  “Make sure you get all of the way up to the gum line when you floss,” she told me. [Read more…]

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