What we know about treating nausea during pregnancy

pregnant teenFeeling nauseous while pregnant can have a debilitating effect on your life – making it difficult to concentrate at work, care for other children and even perform ordinary tasks like taking out the garbage. [Read more…]

The evidence on climate change

photo-consensus-senseThe theory that the earth’s climate is warming has been a highly debated topic in the media for more than a decade. Proponents of the theory point to evidence about melting polar ice caps and increased storm activity, while critics say there’s not enough data to know what’s happening over the long-term.  But what does the evidence really say?

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What we know about indoor tanning and youth

indoor tanningFor nearly 100 years, Americans have valued tanned skin as a symbol of health and vitality. (Before 1920, Americans and Europeans considered pale skin and indicator of health and success.) The trend began when doctors began to prescribe sunbathing for ailments, including tuberculosis. Soon Hollywood stars and fashion icons started to boast of tanned skin, and the rest of America followed suit. [Read more…]

Evidence-based health care: doctors and blood pressure

blood-pressure-doctor-patientDo doctor appointments make you feel nervous?  I have a family member who gets anxious at health care visits. Her blood pressure is always significantly higher at the start of an appointment compared with at home, or even at the end of the appointment. [Read more…]

New evidence on toothpaste for kids

toothpasteIn the U.S. dental care has long been a priority for young children. Decades ago, I can clearly remember our church giving out toothbrushes and toothpaste every Halloween before it was time to trick-or-treat. But for many reasons, tooth decay is a growing problem among preschool children. [Read more…]

Smoking bans are good for kids

smokingIt’s a well-established fact that smoking is bad for your health.  Thousands of studies and hundreds of systematic reviews have documented health problems related to individuals smoking. But this week, researchers published the first-ever review that found smoking in public places has broader negative consequences for child health.
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