A new way to help mistreated children

child-abuseEach year in the U.S., more than 600,000 children suffer abuse or neglect that warrants the intervention of Child Protective Services. Often times, these children need support for emotional and behavioral difficulties. It’s a heart-breaking problem, but there is evidence that some treatments can help. [Read more…]

Hand soap: Is antibacterial best?

liquid_hand_soap_s1Colorful bottles of liquid hand soap line the shelves of stores across the country  – and most contain the antibacterial agent triclosan. But the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is questioning whether these products actually prevent the spread of germs, and whether their use has any negative consequences. [Read more…]

Are mammograms worthwhile?

breast cancer ribbonThe National Cancer Institute recommends that women age 40 and older have a mammogram to screen for breast cancer every 1 or 2 years.  But now a new study is raising questions about whether mammography is really worthwhile. [Read more…]

The stigma of mental illness

PainMore than a quarter of adults in the U.S. suffer from a diagnosable mental illness in any given year, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. These individuals should visit a doctor or therapist for mental health treatments, and many require regular counseling visits or time off from work to facilitate their recovery.

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The evidence on vacations

good-harbor-beach-towardThe cold and snowy winter has inspired my family to take a last-minute, warm-weather vacation. The idea of escaping frigid temperatures to lounge in the sunshine seems like it will lift our spirits. But now that our plane tickets are booked, I’m wondering what the evidence says. [Read more…]

How to keep teen parents in school

pregnant teenThe evidence shows that high school dropouts earn less money, have poorer health outcomes and are more likely to get into legal trouble.  And teenagers who are pregnant or who are parents are especially vulnerable to dropping out of school.  There are hundreds of programs designed to keep teens in school. But how effective are they, especially for pregnant and parenting teens?

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The body of evidence on infertility

bedrestMore than 10 percent of women in the U.S. struggle with infertility.  For couples that want children, struggling to get pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy can be heart breaking.

There are dozens of medical options to help those who struggle with infertility, but it can be difficult to ascertain which methods work best. For those who experience infertility, making evidence-based decisions is important because fertility treatments are costly and time consuming. [Read more…]

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