Update: New evidence on Parkinson’s disease

According to the National Institutes of Health, at least 500,000 Americans suffer from Parkinson’s disease, and about 50,000 new cases are reported each year. The disease is a progressive neurological disorder that is caused by the degeneration of neurons in a region of the brain that controls movement. Tremors are the most common symptom, but others include rigid limbs and slow movement. [Read more…]

How to identify emotional abuse and neglect in preschoolers

The evidence is clear that developing skills early-on – especially before children enter kindergarten – is essential for success later in life.  Unfortunately, children face consequences throughout their lives when they do not get the support they need as babies and preschoolers. Physical and behavioral problems and delays in social and communication skills are just some of the poor outcomes. [Read more…]

The evidence on hands-free cell phone devices while driving

Whether it’s a quick call to ask what’s needed from the grocery store or catching up with a long-distance friend – people everywhere talk on cell phones while they’re driving. [Read more…]

An update on barefoot running

Here on EBL, we’ve written before about the trend of barefoot running and minimalist running shoes. Last week, the American College of Sports Medicine held its annual conference. There, researchers presented five separate studies on the benefits of running barefoot or with minimal footwear. [Read more…]

A proven method to reduce hospital infections

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus, commonly called MRSA, is a type of bacteria resistant to many of the antibiotics we use today. It is most dangerous to patients in healthcare settings, who often have compromised immune systems that allow MRSA to spread in their bodies. When MRSA infections reached their peak in the mid-2000s, nearly 100,000 people died as a result of infections from the bacteria each year. [Read more…]

The state of preschool

Preschool is important to children’s development – the evidence on that is clear.  But since preschool is not required and often not offered by local school systems, not all families have access to quality preschool programs.  [Read more…]

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